Wednesday, April 29, 2009


MNC's are complex organizations however, they dominate the worldwide market. Knowing the background and the nature of MNC's the following.

!. Identify the benefits and disadvantage of MNC's
Ans. Advantages:

  • generate tax revenues
  • lower prices
  • products do not depend so much on price of raw materials


  • decreasing employment in industries which do not have comparative advantage
  • decreasing bargaining power of labor

2.Identify one MNC company and describe its operation
Ans. A multinational company has branches in may countries. Ford and Sony are examples.

Multinational companies do bring some benefits to developing countries. They provide jobs and increase the wealth of the local people. The country gains some wealth by way of taxes.

However, there are some problems as well. The jobs are often low-skilled and poorly paid. Much of the profit will go out of the country, and the company may pull out to relocate in a country where it can make a greater profit. Multinational companies are primarily interested in making profits for their shareholders. Paying wages is an expense that the company will try to reduce to as low a level as possible.

3. Describe bow the parent control/ coordinates with its subsidiaries in other countries or region
Ans. Through this acquisition, ContentWatch will increase Net Nanny's functionality and market presence for consumers. Likewise, ContentWatch will expand its reach in the consumer marketplace with the help of Net Nanny's strong channel presence, as well as its trusted and popular brand.

"We recognize and acknowledge Net Nanny as a strong and longstanding market leader," said Jack Sunderlage, president and CEO (1) (Chief Executive Officer) The highest individual in command of an organization. Typically the president of the company, the CEO reports to the Chairman of the Board. of ContentWatch, Inc. "ContentWatch is a newer and emerging leader in Internet filtering and parental controls that has been strongly acknowledged as the technology leader in competitive product reviews. ContentWatch is installed in over 125 countries to date and through this acquisition we are able to provide the best of all worlds to our combined set of customers, as well as rapidly accelerate our plans for aggressive worldwide market growth."

Sunderlage pointed out that in addition to the technology and excellent customer support this acquisition will provide Net Nanny customers, ContentWatch also brings to Net Nanny a close partnership with Microsoft as an advanced filtering alternative that is tightly integrated with Vista.

"The sale of Net Nanny serves the market, the brand and LookSmart stockholders best," said John Simonelli, CFO See Chief Financial Officer. for LookSmart Ltd. "While the parental control market is no longer relevant to LookSmart's long term strategy, we recognize the asset's value to consumers. We believe that ContentWatch's attributes of technology leadership and strong industry partnerships will add to the value of the Net Nanny brand."

Under the terms of the agreement, ContentWatch is acquiring all of the assets of Net Nanny from LookSmart Ltd. ContentWatch will adopt the Net Nanny brand for its consumer offerings. The company will also bring Net Nanny into its existing expansion plans and industry partnerships that include ContentProtect's key partnership with Microsoft and integration with Vista.

ContentWatch will continue to develop and expand ContentProtect as its business offering; however, customers of both products can anticipate expanded functionality as the integration and further development plans for the two product lines progress.

ContentWatch assumes responsibility for Net Nanny's customer support and further development. The company anticipates it will add new employees as needed as needed prn. See prn order. at its corporate headquarters in Salt Lake City.

Sunderlage further noted that Net Nanny helps ContentWatch to enhance a spectrum of internet protection offerings that range from home and consumer to all sizes of businesses and organizations. At the higher end Coordinates:
For other places with the same name, see Billinge.
Higher End or Billinge Higher End is a district of the Metropolitan Borough of Wigan, in Greater Manchester, England.
, ContentWatch recently launched ContentProtect Pro server Appliance A self-contained computer system specialized for network use. Its applications are pre-installed, and access to setup and configuration is via a Web browser. Server appliances may provide a single application or several applications; for example, a single device may provide file server, , a client-server or server Internet filtering appliance that supports up to 1,000 users per server device--further rounding out its product offering.

4.How is it maximized/ used by this MNC?
Ans.Another concern with transnational corporations is their ability to use foreign subsidiaries to minimize their tax liability. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) must analyze the movement of goods and services between a transnational company's domestic and foreign operations and then assess whether the transfer price that was assigned on paper to each transaction was fair. IRS studies indicate that U.S. transnational corporations have an incentive to set their transfer prices so as to shift income away from the United States and its higher corporate tax rates and to shift deductible expenses into the United States. Foreign-owned corporations doing business in the United States have a similar incentive. Critics argue that these tax incentives also motivate U.S. transnational corporations to move plants and jobs overseas
5. What were the weaknesses/ problems encountered by this MNC frim its environment and global setup?
Ans. The common problem encountered by multinational company is the economic crisis,culture of different subsidiaries,the different location,capitalization,expenses,communication,and management.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

4. Question #4

Ethics is relevant regardless of the type of organization and style of management. It is by this ethics that legal and moral laws are established. IT is not at all excluded from this.

Answer then the following.

1. List down the ethics for computer usage.
Ans. The Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics are a code of behavior for users and developers of information technology. It was developed by the Computer Ethics Institute (Washington, DC) and written by its president, Dr. Ramon C. Bar quin as part of a keynote speech he delivered at the 1991 National Computer Ethics Conference at the Brooking s Institution.

Computer ethics is a branch of practical philosophy which deals with how computing professionals should make decisions regarding professional and social conduct. The term "computer ethics" was first coined by Walter Maner in the mid-1970s, but only since the 1990s has it started being integrated into professional development programs in academic settings. The conceptual foundations of computer ethics are investigated by information ethics, a branch of philosophical ethics established by Luciano Floridi. Computer ethics is a very important topic in computer applications.

The importance of computer ethics increased through the 1990s. With the growth of the Internet, privacy issues as well as concerns regarding computing technologies such as spyware and web browser cookies have called into question ethical behavior in technology.

2. What common forms of ethic violations happen in the internet and in the organization?

What surprises me  about online research is not  that there have
been so many egregious violations of ethical principles, but that
there have been so few. There has been no lack of commentary on
computer ethics and Internet (Net) behavior in general (e.g., Forester
and Morrison, 1990; Stoll, 1995) or Net research ethics in particular
(King, 1996; Waskul, 1996). Problems have been identified, solutions
proposed, and the gravity of and rationale for appropriate behaviors
debated in the context of the standards of this or that ethical
perspective. Yet, debates do not subside, and scholars and others
continue to look for ways to maintain the ethical integrity of
research and other Net activity.

Rather than debate philosophical issues of ethics and justice and
attempt to establish explicit unambiguous ethical rules from the
top-down, we first might take a step back and examine the problem from
the ground up. In this paper, I offer an exploratory account of
selected issues as seen from the trenches. My premise is rather
simple: Precise ethical precepts tend to be of little help to those
immersed in Net and other potentially risky research, and who
simultaneously also may be responsible for teaching research ethics to
students and others. I argue that we need not invent new ethical
rules for online research. We need only increase our awareness of and
commitment to established ethical principles.
3. How does ethics affect the decision making of mangers?
Ans:Organizations are paying more attention to ethics. People actually talk about ethics. But are our organizations--and are we--behaving more ethically? As our expectations about the ethical behavior of politicians have plummeted, have our expectations about the ethical behavior of organizations risen?

I invite you to listen in on the thoughtful conversation of six academic and organizational ethicists, convened last summer by ASAE's Ethics Committee to generate a discussion about ethics as it unfolds in our work lives. (See sidebar, "Fueling the Discussion.") Committee Chairman David J. Noonan, deputy executive vice president, American Academy of Ophthalmology, San Francisco, guided the exploration.

Such dialogues have to begin with agreed-upon understandings of what is meant by ethics, organizational ethics, and universal ethical principles. Even at that broad level, it's easy to apply the discussion to a workplace context--for instance, are we treating members fairly if we give privileges to some and not others? How do organizations communicate their values, and what is the association role in helping organizations create ethical environments? What role do associations have in teaching children about ethics in business?

The questions drive this dialogue into some tough territories. Tough because, as one participant observed, "All of us struggle daily with temptations to do things that we ought not to do." And tough because questions may lead to more questions before suggesting answers. But tough can also be enlightening, propelling us to pay attention to these important issues.

4. Cite a company which experienced legal or social conflicts because of its violation of ethics. You may check as example the problem of pre-need insurance companies in the Philippines.

a. Describe briefly the nature of the problem.
b. How was this resolved?
c. Who were affected?
d. What were the damages?
Ans.WORLD BANK URGES EFFECTIVE ANTI-CORRUPTION MEASURES An explicit and credible corruption strategy, transparency, and good governance are essential for countries seeking a competitive advantage as Asia recovers from the economic crisis, according to a recent World Bank study. The country meets many preconditions for a successful anti-corruption campaign; however, very large amounts of public funds are lost to political and bureaucratic corruption. The World Bank recommended the following approach to fight corruption: policy reforms and deregulation, reforming campaign finance, increasing public oversight, reforming budget processes, improving meritocracy in the civil service, targeting selected departments and agencies, enhancing sanctions against corruption, developing partnerships with the private sector, and supporting judicial reform. (Yahoo News (Asia Pulse), Apr 6, 2001, summary by Marg Reynolds).
Cite your reference.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Question #3

A company has basically four (4) levels of organizational hierarchy and each level makes use of unique IT technology and software to address and/or support their works.

Answer then the following:

1. Identify and describe information systems (IS) used in each level.
Ans.Information system plays a vital role in any organization for it embodies the totality of the organization. The success or failure of organizational programs is attribute to how well information and communication is processed and manage. Information is becoming more of a necessity particular in decision - making, it is important for organization to realize the value of an information resource whereby data are transformed into information. Information becomes an asset of the organization and just outcome of the organizational processes that are stored and left alone in files and folders. Information databases should be maintained and protected to ensure their confidentiality.
2. How do these IS help the employees and managers achieve their objectives.

Ans. Information system help the employees and managers achieve their objectives through performing their specific task, their works with information and processes. this information is reported to the management task namely, planning, directing, organizing and controlling. Failure of an organization to achieve its objectives is tantamount to expense incurred without certainty of the needed output.

3. Cite a local or national company that makes use of these IS and identify the benefits and drawbacks/lapses of these IS.

Ans. Smart telecommunication is an example of companies that uses information technology. the media composed of the hardware and software that facilitate the transmission of electronic data within the system.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Prelim Question #2

An organization may adopt a closed-system or open system model. Answer the following
1.) Discuss the pro's and con's of each model.

Answer:An open system is a system that uses information from its environment. They use there information to improve thier management and thier services. This system provides the demands of its environment. While closed system is the opposite of open system, the company that use this system is not responding to the demands of its environment.

2.) Cite a company that uses any of this model.Describe briefly how this chosen model affect the entire company.

Answer: TV station is an example of a company that uses open system because it aims to provide TV programs that people want to watch since people always want to be informed and be entertained.

Evaluate how an environment affects the organization and its management. Discuss the pro's and con's of not responding to the demands of the environment.

Answer: environment greatly affects organization and its management. information are gathered from environment and companies use it as reference to improve management and the organization as a whole. If the company use closed system it means it is not reponding to the needs of the people, it will be difficult for them to penetrate the market since they don't provide the demands of its eenvironent. But if they are using the open system it will be easy for them to penetrate in the market since they provide the demands of its environment.

Prelim Question #1

Question #1.How Do you perceive information as a resource of a company?

Ans. A company needs resources like personnel, machines,materials and including information are the important resources that a company needs to survive and become productive.Information is also important resources of the company without correct and enough information a managers or employees will have a hard time for making decisions.

Question#2.Cite a Company Nature describe how the information from its environment management and business as a whole?

Ans.Information from environment affects the decision making of the management of a company.If the environment demand something from the company,It is the company's obligation to provide for its environment.without information the environment the company will not be able to detect what the environment demands.