Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Prelim Question #2

An organization may adopt a closed-system or open system model. Answer the following
1.) Discuss the pro's and con's of each model.

Answer:An open system is a system that uses information from its environment. They use there information to improve thier management and thier services. This system provides the demands of its environment. While closed system is the opposite of open system, the company that use this system is not responding to the demands of its environment.

2.) Cite a company that uses any of this model.Describe briefly how this chosen model affect the entire company.

Answer: TV station is an example of a company that uses open system because it aims to provide TV programs that people want to watch since people always want to be informed and be entertained.

Evaluate how an environment affects the organization and its management. Discuss the pro's and con's of not responding to the demands of the environment.

Answer: environment greatly affects organization and its management. information are gathered from environment and companies use it as reference to improve management and the organization as a whole. If the company use closed system it means it is not reponding to the needs of the people, it will be difficult for them to penetrate the market since they don't provide the demands of its eenvironent. But if they are using the open system it will be easy for them to penetrate in the market since they provide the demands of its environment.

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