Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Question #1. Research 1 Philippine Company and 1 International company that have employed e-commerce.
Ans. BIR
San Miguel Corp.

Question #2. Describe how e-commerce operate in these companies.
Ans. BIR offers announcements, directory, issuance and rulings, tax and registration information, updates and legal matters. It includes tax code and calendar and tax payer bill of rights. The presence of e-commerce today people nowadays can easily get their tax payer identification number online, EFPS to access the BIR, EFPS, pay BIR to download the payment confirmation reflecting your moblie payment of taxes. Their strategy makes the life of working individual easy because they just log into BIR website if they have questions, verifications and updates to know all about.

San Miguel is one of the Philippines leading business conglomerates, carries brand names of some of the most formidable players in the Philippines food and beverage industry. San Miguel Beer company's flagship product is one of the largest selling beers and among the top beer brands in the world. Today, San Miguel is the build around closely related businesses; beverages both non-alcoholic and alcoholic food and packaging. Each of which are dominant in thier respective segments, holding no.1 for no.2 positions in their markets.

Question #3. Identify the benefits/ constraints/ derived by these companies from e-commerce.

Ans. The benefits are cost effective improvement in customers acquisition, growth and retention.

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